Cláudia Bernhardt de Souza Pacheco

Psychoanalyst, psychologist, writer, Director of the Keppe & Pacheco Trilogical College, founder and president of the Keppe & Pacheco Institute of Science and Technology and Vice-president of Sita – International Society for Analytical Trilogy, Cláudia Bernhardt de Souza Pacheco has been an assistant to Norberto R. Keppe since 1976, when she graduated in Integral Psychoanalysis with the thesis Freud and Integral Psychoanalysis. Founder and editor of the entity’s official body “Revista de Psicanálise Integral (Journal of Integral Psychoanalysis)” for several years, as well as of several therapeutic journals published by the entity in several countries. She organized and directed several International Congresses of Analytical Trilogy.
From 1983 to 1988 she founded and directed with Keppe the ISAT – International Society of Analytical Trilogy, in New York, where she conducted therapeutic programs for Professors and students at the City University of New York.
In 1990, she created the “Institut Supérieur de Psychanalyse Intégrale – École Norberto Keppe”, and the International Society for Analytical Trilogy, with headquarters in Paris and branches in London, Lucca, Moscow, Stockholm, Helsinki and Lisbon, with the purpose of training psychoanalysts, helping clients in Integral Psychoanalysis and promote lectures, congresses and courses on the trilogical science. She conceived and published the scientific-cultural newspaper “Savoir c’est Pouvoir”, distributed for several years in Paris and other French cities.
On June 28, 1992, under act 1901, she founded the Association STOP the Destruction of the World, in Paris, and presides over it since then. She coordinates all projects and events of a national and international scope carried out by the entity.
As a result of her 42 years of research and 37 years helping clients worldwide, she wrote several books, including the best sellers Healing through Consciousness – Theomania and Stress and Women on the Couch. Some of her works have already been published in nine languages (Portuguese, English, French, German, Russian, Italian, Finnish, Swedish and Spanish).
Back in Brazil in 1997, as a charismatic communicator, she produces, together with Keppe, scientific and therapeutic programs for open and educational TV stations, as well as for radios, which are aired in practically all states in Brazil. Among them are the TV and radio programs “O Homem Universal (The Universal Man)” and “STOP the Destruction of the World”, that are shown on TV Aberta São Paulo and on Rádio Mundial. They are translated and broadcasted by 280 TV and radio stations from 49 countries. Thousands of people worldwide follow her participations in the podcast “Thinking with Somedoby Else´s Head”.
Founder and Director of Faculdade Trilogica Keppe & Pacheco – FATRI, in 2017, she continues to coordinate the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine at SITA / FATRI – which she helped to found with Keppe in 1976.
Due to extensive achievements for the benefit of humanity, in 2019 she receives the title of Doctor Honoris Causa.